Green Gables MiniNubians - Breeding Quality MiniNubians since 1999

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Looking for a family milker or a new doe to improve your MiniNubian breeding program with?  We occasionally list milkers for sale - you can also contact us to get on the waiting list for milkers.  We are also taking deposits on doelings for next year. 

Searching for your new Mini Nubian herd sire?  Look here for a buck that will bring you MILK, color and great personalities!  Or contact us to get on the waiting list.

Looking for the perfect backyard pet?  The MiniNubian wethers at Green Gables have been bottle-fed and raised with children.  These boys are very friendly and love people.


Click here for the listing of available 2024 doelings


Click here for the listing of available 2024 bucklings


This hilarious little guy definitely lacks in the breed character department. He is polled and has a cute moonspot on his neck. Brother to the boy below. Both are extremely friendly and oh-so-cute!

This little guy is adorable with his crazy ears, fun colors and sweet personality. $200

Does in Milk

Green Gables O7F Snow Denver Dream
3rd generation - American
*** SALE PENDING $900***
Bred to Cal

Sire: Opus 7 Farm MK Elvis
ss: Opus 7 Farm CJ Korsakov
sd: ​Urban Acres HWT Sweet Memphis *P AR*D
Dam: Green Gables D Snowy Daydream
ds:+Green Gables SOF Dreamer *B
dd: Green Gables DT Snow Angel 5*P

Click here for extended pedigree

DOB: 3/27/23

Percentage: 54.08/45.92% (Nubian/Nigerian)

Height: 25.5 at 1yr

G6S Normal by Parentage

Dreamy is a sweet little ff yearling doe. Her conformation is very nice with a long body, level topline, strong feet and legs. Her little FF udder is looking really promising. Dreamy's dam, Daydream, has the same beautiful conformation and is the only daughter we have of our amazing buck, Dreamer that we lost way too young. Dreamy's sire, Denver brings new bloodlines to our herd with good production and conformation. He has done well at improving width and strength on his kids.

Dam's udder

Virtual Show Record

Sire's dam's udder

Green Gables Amazing Southern Charm
3rd generation - American


***For Sale $1100***

Bred to Denver


Sire: Green Gables MB Amazing Comet +*B (5th gen)
ss: VMCH Green Gables SS Moonbeam ++*B (4th gen)
sd: Green Gables EHJ Amazing Grace 1*P (4th gen.)
Dam: Green Gables DT Southern Taffy 2*P (2nd gen)
ds: Mini Ranch BC Desert Thunder +B (2nd gen)
dd: Wonderful Farms SG Royal Candy *P (1st gen)

View extended pedigree here

DOB: 3/11/20

Percentage: 62.68/36.32 (Nubian/Nigerian)

Height: 26" (at 4 yrs)

G6S Normal by parentage

Charm is a daughter of the Amazing Comet who has thrown many incredible kids. Her dam is the first daughter of our Wonderful Farms doe, Candy bred to the buck we brought in from AZ, Mini Ranch BC Desert Thunder +B. Her dam, Taffy, had a lovely udder that has snug  attachments, especially foreudder, good capacity and easy to milk teats. Charm has lovely conformation with a ton of length good depth, beautiful breed character and as a bonus, is polled! She took a looooong time to get bred - apparently she didn't like our bucks. In spite of living with a buck every winter (when I could never catch her in a standing heat) she didn't take until she was almost 4! Her ff udder as a 4yr old is AMAZING! Super capacious, snugly attached and very easy to milk.

Dam's udder

Charm's FF udder


Sire's dam

We usually sell out of Miniature Nubian doelings and sometimes bucklings before they are born so the best way to be sure of getting a mini dairy goat from us is to check out the breeding schedule page and place a deposit.  If we do have any available after all deposits are filled, they will be listed here.  We are taking deposits for next year now.

A word on the pricing of the mature milkers... I figured the cost of raising a doe from 8 weeks to kidding age (either 1 or 2 years) and it is easily $350.  When purchasing an adult milker, you are getting the added benefit of having that first freshening behind them - they have the risk of the first birth behind them.  Plus, she has been trained to the milkstand, you KNOW how she milks and what her udder is like (a kid is always a gamble), AND you will be getting milk immediately.  With good quality milk at easily $10/gallon (the horrid stuff at Walmart is $16/gallon!), the doe will be paying for herself quickly. 

Mini Nubian Dairy Goats Wisconsin

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